Take off Dubrovnik airport

2009/07/08 | Travel

Funny how the line of clouds line up with the runwayIMG_2550
looks like a nice little tucked away beach on the bottom of the road to the airport, well worth a closer inspection if I make it this way againIMG_2557 Dubrovnik form the air. At the last minute, I changed my window seat to the other side of the plane, glad I did , as otherwise would have been looking at just the seaIMG_2554
Now I added x’s to this photo , to try and illustrate how the city was completely surrounded by the serbian army with artillery and there was a naval boat also firing from the sea, hiding behind the island, so no one from the city could target the boat. Here is a small article from the New York Times at the time
I was going to keep posting cloud pictures, untill I stumbled upon these

Innocent women and children died for no reason, as Dubrovnik had no military base and was of no military significance, so for the people living here , it was such a shock, like Sarajevo, it was normal one day and then wake up in the morning next day, the dawn of a long war zone

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Funny how the line of clouds line up with the runway looks like a nice little tucked away beach on the bottom of the road to the airport, well worth a closer inspection if I make it this way again Dubrovnik form the air. At the last minute, I changed my […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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