Swim before this evenings show

2009/07/05 | Travel

I head down to the water that laps at the bottom of the hotelIMG_2303 Jac's ? you free for dinner ?IMG_2305
Love this property next to the hotel with it's beautiful gardensIMG_2306
Zooming in at the next beach, where teen agers are lapping up the last rays of sunIMG_2314
Jac's can't make it for dinner, so I go for a quick dip and then a slice of pizza in town before the showIMG_2313 IMG_2318 IMG_2321 waouw, nice big pool inside as well, not using it though , not in this weatherIMG_2324 and steam room ,and this sauna, looks like I know what I'm doing tomorrowIMG_2326 ok, time to go to the show

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr I head down to the water that laps at the bottom of the hotel Jac's ? you free for dinner ? Love this property next to the hotel with it's beautiful gardens Zooming in at the next beach, where teen agers are lapping up the last rays of sun Jac's can't […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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