Rome to Trieste

2009/07/09 | Travel

First go north along the west coast a bit_ITS0139 Then slowly go inland , and cross Italy_ITS0142 _ITS0166 aaah, now we're talking clouds_ITS0170 _ITS0179 just can't get enough_ITS0184 somewhere near Venice if my geography is correct_ITS0193 2 boats racing direction Slovenia and or Croatia_ITS0204 Real close to Trieste now_ITS0208 _ITS0213 about to land, with the Alps in the background, still with a tiny bit of snow on them

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr First go north along the west coast a bit Then slowly go inland , and cross Italy aaah, now we're talking clouds just can't get enough somewhere near Venice if my geography is correct 2 boats racing direction Slovenia and or Croatia Real close to Trieste now about to land, with […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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