Gil’s restaurant , Dubrovnik

2009/07/06 | Travel

The organizers of Dubrovnik Fashion week,
had arranged for me to have dinner at one of the better restaurants in
Dubrovnik, with Filip & Maria, plus some special invited guests and
Croatian Fashion TV.
It is set in the defense wall of the old city, in one of the towersIMG_2378

When you walk in they have this huge open view of the kitchen, and I just
love it. I mean, I've been in many kitchens, so know what goes on, but for the
diners , who have never been in a restaurant kitchen, this must be a great
visual delight, I certainly appreciate itIMG_2372But then things started to go wrong, it was a strange set up for the evening, as in, we did not get to look at a menu, and I found this out when I asked to look at the wine menu, and was just rebuffed by a buffoon looking waiter ( like he just finished a game of 2nd grade rugby) that I only had a choice of a glass of white or red, and then one glass only, ooooookaaaayyy, I reserved my thoughts on that, until I got my glass of red wine, which was obviously from a bottle that had been sitting in the sun, as it was so warm, and un drinkable, even the glass felt warm, and for an establishment like this I thought this was way off, but, again, I give them the benefit of the doubt, so when this tasty dish turned up I was all excited, took a picture, as the presentation was amazing, they painted the plate with the ink from squid, but then, when I cut a piece and ate it , it was cold. I thought this can't be right, checked with my fellow dinner guests, and they too thought it was odd, so I called the head waiter, and asked whether this meal was supposed to be served cold or warm. HOT came the curt re-ply ( and before I continue, I must say, that everybody else in Dubrovnik, from taxi driver, to waiters to shop keepers and people in the street, they all have been so open, warm and friendly  So I said this was cold, no he said, excuse me ? So I gave him the plate saying, feel it, and passed it over to him, he's holding the plate and just says, no ,it'shot. I looked at Filip, Maria, Costa and Sergin and we just got up and leftIMG_2374 Great location, ( bad music, like a nightclub,, but please, not for dinner )IMG_2375 so we leftIMG_2380 So we headed back into town, and I remember see-ing this little tucked away family restaurant behind all the touristy spots, so we headed up thereIMG_2382 IMG_2385 And had the yummiest home made meal. So the crutch of the story, don't be always be fooled by the glitz, glam and slick look of the place, mama's kitchen usually comes up better

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr The organizers of Dubrovnik Fashion week, had arranged for me to have dinner at one of the better restaurants in Dubrovnik, with Filip & Maria, plus some special invited guests and Croatian Fashion TV.It is set in the defense wall of the old city, in one of the towers When you […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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