East West, bar, niteclub , Dubrovnik

2009/07/07 | Uncategorised

After the show , I walk back to my hotel, and it is nearly a full moon, looks awesomeIMG_2400
G10 is handling it wellIMG_2401
I bump into Filip and Costa, and they remind me about the after party, so yeah, I should make an appearanceIMG_2408
And when I got down there, I asked some of the models I met over the past few days, if they mind me taking a shot, as I wanted to see if I could get an ok shot , with them exposed in the foreground and the moon reflecting on the water in the backgroundIMG_2409 IMG_2418 IMG_2420
and then Renata and Haris made it Tequila timeIMG_2423 IMG_2428 IMG_2437
Event organizer/DJ Haris ( next year, I'm Dj-ing ! )IMG_2444
I did not stay too long, keeping blog up dated made me conscious of the time , so I headed back, but not before another moon behind the cloud shot , with storm behind the island

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr After the show , I walk back to my hotel, and it is nearly a full moon, looks awesome G10 is handling it well I bump into Filip and Costa, and they remind me about the after party, so yeah, I should make an appearance And when I got down there, […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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