Dubrovnik’s Old City wall walk

2009/07/08 | Travel

So I am meeting up with my guide Hamon , to do the city wall walk, the whole perimeter of the historic wall_DUB2063
The compacted city, planned by the venetians_DUB2067
It’s pretty hot up here on the walls today, so I’m not thinking clearly and not providing you with the best pics, but you get the idea_DUB2069 _DUB2068 _DUB2070
The fort at the north part of the city, will be the location this coming saturday for the red bull cliff diving competition, they are already building the platform, ( I marked it with a \ ) I think this will be a spectacular event, and it is a shame the fashion week even t was not timed to run at the same time ( next year )
I think you should check up on this on sat or sun on their website and check out the photos and maybe videos, click here or go to their main site www.redbullcliffdiving.com _DUB2072 There are for towers like this around the wall, and they not only acted as a defense and outlook , but as a grain silo as well, so they could last a year without food from outside the walls_DUB2077 And they had their own water system, Apparently first European town that had it’s own fresh water supply set up , coming from the mountains straight in the center of town. Don’t bother buying bottled water said Hamon, just fillup at the fountain_DUB2078 The main street_DUB2079 Imagine sitting in that restaurant next saturday afternoon, and watching the competitors dive of that board into the sea_DUB2089 Further up on the wall now_DUB2096 the most south eastern part ( according to my compass )_DUB2098 Bombs away. There was around 200 canons set up around the wall. During the Ottoman period, the Austrians stole the biggest Canon they had from the wall, and once loaded on the ship, as soon as they sailed it away , the ship sank from the weight of it_DUB2102 _DUB2115 _DUB2122 Lost count of how many churches there are here_DUB2126 The quarantine station_DUB2127
Just like did in Australia up until a few decades ago, the Dubrovnikians had set up a quarantine station, so any traveller coming to the city had to spend a few weeks there, if they did not get sick they could come in, and this is how they stopped diseases like the black plague from wiping out any of their citizens _DUB2142 The roman steps_DUB2144 Spanish steps

After the walk, Hamon takes me to a museum, remembering the defenders of the city during the 1990-91 war with Serbia. Dubrovnik was protected by UNESCO agreement, signed in 1979, so no one ever imagined that would happen, I listen to an emotional Hamon, as their are many friends of his that died that year

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr So I am meeting up with my guide Hamon , to do the city wall walk, the whole perimeter of the historic wall The compacted city, planned by the venetians It’s pretty hot up here on the walls today, so I’m not thinking clearly and not providing you with the best […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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