Lillian & Roger

2009/02/06 | Uncategorised


Having dinner at Lillian and Roger's tonight. Now I have been coming to their place since I was about 5 or so, and been coming here for dinner regularly, but not so much in winter ( as I tend to be in Australia then) but tonight it was a cold night, and I have never seen a fire in their fire place, so I started a fire040220091238

So it was really pleasant to just sit in front of the fire after dinner040220091241

With a glass of red ofcourse

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Having dinner at Lillian and Roger's tonight. Now I have been coming to their place since I was about 5 or so, and been coming here for dinner regularly, but not so much in winter ( as I tend to be in Australia then) but tonight it was a cold night, […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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