Pretty much guaranteed great clouds when flying out of Singers
Looks like a volcano erupting , we are after all flying over the "ring of fire "
Can't really see it well in this photo, but in the center there, there is smoke coming out of that mountain ( I think it is Raung )
And that is clearly the top of a volcano we are flying over, you see a bit of steam coming out of the lake, and the vivid colour due to all the minerals in the water, sulfur. This volcano is called Kawa Ijen, in between Surubaja and Bali
Aaaaah, another great place I would love to spend some time at , the tip of this would be roughly where G-land would be, famous left hander
Outa Singapore & onto Oz
Pretty much guaranteed great clouds when flying out of Singers Looks like a volcano erupting , we are after all flying over the "ring of fire " Indonesia Can't really see it well in this photo, but in the center there, there is smoke coming out of that mountain ( I think it is Raung […]
Sonny Vandevelde
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