Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


I try to have a normal life....


Ok, so you have not heard from me, but it was just all a bit too much, I was overloaded with processing work, had some planning to do as well, add a backlog of photoshop work, mix in some incredibly slow useless internet connection ( forcing me to find cafes where I can tap some power and take up one of their tables for the day ) and then to top it off add a dose of sore throat, followed by heavy cold with aching muscles, and you get no updates on my blog. I did refrain from sharing with you my snooty tissues to try to gain some sympathy, but instead I just soldiered on with Adobe CS2.
anyway,. I'll try to get on top of things again here, but in short, the olympics have come and gone, a baby whale got separated from it's mother , here in Pittwater ( the body of water behind the strip of land that is the peninsula of the northern, just around the corner from Jacqui's house ) and we could hear the news helicopters hovering overhead every morning for the live feeds straight to the tv studios for the morning breakfast shows, sadly, after 4 days there was not much they could do , and they shortened it's life.
Meanwhile, I stumble upon a new film clip from Brian Eno and David Byrne, who last time they worked together they created the still very relevant "My life in the bush of ghosts " view a film clip  from said album by clicking here and now brought out a new album , so I checked out their new clip (click to view) and was blown away by the cloud formation footage they found ( about 1 min 30 sec into the clip ) Man, I'm so jealous , that just looks friggin awesome
Anyway, must get of the roof soon... ( ? you say, well yeah, that's where I can get reception for the internet )

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos