Yes,finally… we are outta there

2008/06/04 | Uncategorized

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd committed to withdrawing Australian troops from Iraq.
(Photo: Reuters)

  Sydney, Australia – Australia, a staunch U.S. ally and one of the
first countries to commit troops to the war in Iraq five years ago,
ended combat operations there June 1.

    Soldiers lowered the Australian flag that had flown over
Camp Terendak in the southern Iraqi city of Talil. The combat troops
are expected to return to Australia over the next few weeks.

    The move fulfills a campaign promise by Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd, who was swept into office in November largely on the
promise that he would bring home the country’s 550 combat troops by the
middle of 2008. Rudd has said the Iraq deployment made Australia more
of a target for terrorism.

    Rudd’s predecessor, former Prime Minister John Howard, said he was "baffled" by the decision to withdraw the troops.

    "If I had been returned at the last election we would not
have been bringing (troops) home, we would have been looking at
transitioning them from their soon-to-be terminated role to a training
role," Howard told the Sydney Morning Herald in an interview published
June 2.

    But Rudd, in announcing the troop withdrawal, attacked Howard for taking the country to war in Iraq in the first place.

    "Of most concern to this government was the manner in which
the decision to go to war was made," Rudd said in remarks broadcast by
the BBC. "The abuse of intelligence information. The failure to
disclose to the Australian people the qualified nature of that
intelligence, for example the pre-war warning that an attack on Iraq
would increase the terrorist threat, not decrease it. We now know that
the decision to go to war was based on flawed intelligence."

    Meanwhile, the Australian Broadcast Corp. reported June 1
that a legal brief has been sent to the International Criminal Court
alleging Howard committed a war crime by sending troops to Iraq. A
loose alliance of peace activists, lawyers, academics and politicians
is behind the brief, organized by the ICC Action Group, based in

    An organizer, Glen Floyd, says Howard should be made
accountable for sending troops to a war not sanctioned by the United

    Howard, who led the country for 11 years and celebrated his
friendship with President Bush, told the newspaper that the decision to
send Australian troops to Iraq in 2003 was "very, very, very hard." But
he stood by his choice, which he said helped further deepen Australia’s
alliance with the United States.

    Australian troops helped train 33,000 Iraqi army soldiers
following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. They helped train the Iraqis
in logistics management, combat service support and counterinsurgency

    Defense Minister Joel Fitzgibbon declared the mission a
success, saying it had allowed Iraq’s own security forces to
successfully take control.

    "Our soldiers have worked tirelessly to ensure that local
people in southern Iraq have the best possible chance to move on from
their suffering under Saddam’s regime and, as a government we are
extremely proud of their service," Fitzgibbon said in a statement

    "The Australian contribution to the Iraqi army’s Counter
Insurgency Academy is one of the lasting legacies of our commitment,"
he said.

    About 300 troops will remain inside Iraq for logistical and
air surveillance duties, as well as guarding Australian diplomats and
others in Baghdad.

    A further 500 soldiers will remain in the region, including
200 sailors aboard the frigate HMAS Stuart in the Persian Gulf.
Australia also will leave behind two maritime surveillance aircraft.

    Opposition leader Brendan Nelson, of the Liberal party,
backed the withdrawal of troops but said he would prefer that some
trainers stay behind, to continuing helping "the Iraqis to look after
their own security."

    But another Liberal party politician said the job is not yet done in Iraq.

    "I mean, you have a war that is essentially being won and
we’re being seen to move out of there," Dennis Jensen told reporters.
"We really should have stayed the entire course."

    The soldiers, as well as 65 army trainers, were stationed
at Talil, about 185 miles south of Baghdad, and were responsible for
providing security training for Iraqi forces, as well as reconstruction
and aid work.

    They have been on standby to offer backup to Iraqi forces
in the south for the past two years. They were never officially called
out to act in that role but maintained a policy of active patrolling.

    Six Australian soldiers were wounded in Iraq.

    In February, the head of Australia’s defense force, Air
Chief Marshal Angus Houston, told a Senate inquiry that the troops were
no longer needed in Iraq because the region had stabilized.

    Rudd remains committed to keeping Australia’s 1,000 troops in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd committed to withdrawing Australian troops from Iraq.(Photo: Reuters)         Sydney, Australia – Australia, a staunch U.S. ally and one of the first countries to commit troops to the war in Iraq five years ago, ended combat operations there June 1.     Soldiers lowered the Australian flag that […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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