Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


PAR 31

Went to Holland today , to sit down with the Kaboul and Paul at my photo agency, have not seen them for a good 8months I think, so we had a lot to talk about, this is not the best shot of Kaboul, he's been a bit un well lately and has not had his morning shot of coffee yet

As I reported back in November, part of the agency has turned into a photobook shop, Paul not only owns the agency and is a talented photographer himself , but he also just loves photos , and collects photos and photobooks, so he thought might as well sell some as well, share the love :-) He had the big Helmut book there as well ( forgot to take a photo of it ) it is big, come s with its own stand, and still packed in the box it's about a meter by a meter twenty

We had a good meeting , and then Paul whipped up a quick lunch on the grill, yum. Thanks Paul

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos