Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Storm over Sydney

Got up really early this morning, planned to get a good wave in, but was not to happen, totally flat, and it was such a beeeewdiful morning, by lunchtime it felt like it was 30 degrees, so Jacs and I head to the beach for a swim, and look at it, it looks more like a lake, this pic was just when we left and a storm was brewing, so the sun literally just got covered as Jac took this pic as 30 seconds before this the water looked amazing, but check those storm clouds, somewhere it is pouring with rain right now

Later on when I got home, I found these pics from the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper site

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Now...that's a storm cloud

Storm10_gallery__600x400pic Dean sewell
Love this pic how everyone just carries on like normal but soon they will get a downpour right on top of their heads

Storm11_gallery__600x400pic Dean Sewell
awesome, wish I had taken this pic, but I was swimming at Avalon

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