Crazy Truck drivers

2007/12/24 | Uncategorized

Somewhere, after Raymond terrace, this truck just came speeding past me, and I was already cruising at just 5 odd kms over the legal speed limit myself. It happened to me last week as well, these truck drivers are a menace to the roads, death machines !!! Lindsay Brothers, control your truck drivers

The other bad perpetrators of this speeding practice are the Fox fleet of trucks, you see, especially now with x-mas break , there are a lot of police doing speed checks , and speed cameras, but because these guys are from the same trucking company, they talk to each other on their radio’s ( breaker breaker, another cop up ahead ) so they know when they need to slow right down to legal limit.
I don’t know what can be done, but something needs to be done, maybe they should have a police unit that monitors their radio frequency ?? And catch them out at their own game ?

Somewhere, after Raymond terrace, this truck just came speeding past me, and I was already cruising at just 5 odd kms over the legal speed limit myself. It happened to me last week as well, these truck drivers are a menace to the roads, death machines !!! Lindsay Brothers, control your truck drivers The other […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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