Just like last season

2007/10/12 | Uncategorized

Even though we share an apartment together, it seems the only time we see each other & manage to spend time together is when we are eating, like, all we do is eat, but the opposite is true, I swear this fashion week I lost about 4 kilos ( Bryan, you ought to cover fashion week back to back, and see how much time you have to eat ) So this seems to be only time that I can think of taking a photo for the blog, the blog is more candid/personal so this is the times I’m my relaxed self and take some pictures, as the shows it’s just hectic from one show to the other, and dealing with frustrated PR hacks ( that would be you Katu-nasty piece of work that one is, someone ban that cow now)  and ignoramus security guards, but it’s not all bad, like the Press for Lanvin are absolute darlings and so co operative and understanding, I think Bruno Pieters has become a fan of my work, as is Pablo from Kelly Cutrone, and I just found out Haider is a two faced bitch ( some one please bitch slap that one for me ) ok, I’m carrying on a bit here, but all those egos ( including mine ofcourse ) in one venue can be all a bit overwhelming for the meek, I just try to snap it all , backstage that is, I’ll try to post ( down the path a bit ) some of my fav shots from each designer I went to  ( stay tuned ) , for now, another pic of my friend Iek


She is the coolness, as opposed to some other models ( no names mentioned hey JS – who seems to think we are only bs to photograph her naked- get over it JS ) wham bam we don’t like you …. ( but then again , she probably doesn’t like us either )

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Even though we share an apartment together, it seems the only time we see each other & manage to spend time together is when we are eating, like, all we do is eat, but the opposite is true, I swear this fashion week I lost about 4 kilos ( Bryan, you […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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