Josh Goot

2007/09/04 | Uncategorized

Josh Goot starts the whole week for me, he had his show today, off schedule and one day before the official opening of the fashion week, mind you, he’s not theonly one, there are atleast 15 shows on today that I know off. So yeah, Josh is the first one for me today, this is after the show, when nearly everyone has left, and he’s just leaving with the shoes and Mark Vasalo

Mark with his plant, reminds Patty of the movie Leon (aka the professional ) character where he just had this one plant he looked after

Josh informed he will be becoming a permanent fixture on the New York scene, plans to move here, already been here for a month now, but somehow I think you will still catch him for a swim at north bondi around chrissy, doubt he’ll spend the whole winter in New York

A couple of beauties from backstage
Love these shorts

Josh Goot starts the whole week for me, he had his show today, off schedule and one day before the official opening of the fashion week, mind you, he’s not theonly one, there are atleast 15 shows on today that I know off. So yeah, Josh is the first one for me today, this is […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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