Back in Belgium

2007/08/28 | Uncategorized

And Anita aka Twistie, pops by my place, we needed to go over some of the photos I took during the making of her video-clip ( apparently I have a small part in it stay tuned )

And just before she left, she was just dying to show someone, anyone, the shoes she just bought, she’s absolutely thrilled, and , as she is pointing out, it even has little love hearts on the inside of the boot.
What do you think Mathieu, a good buy ?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr And Anita aka Twistie, pops by my place, we needed to go over some of the photos I took during the making of her video-clip ( apparently I have a small part in it stay tuned ) And just before she left, she was just dying to show someone, anyone, the […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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