Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


still raining ! ! !


We are still in the car, it is still raining, and I feel like I have just wasted 4 hours of everyones time, I got up at 4 am , to pick everybody up , and then drive an hour south, so we are all a bit tired, and Jacqui is going a bit stir crazy on the backseat.And aren't we all, just want to start shooting, but the rain is keeping is confined to the car. I'm sitting here with lap top on my lap, connected to the bureau of metereology , checking radar and satelite images, but Sara has just suggested , that even if the sun does come out in the next hour, all the rocksand sand down here will be too wet to shoot straight away, so we will be starting so late, that there is almost no point anymore as we would not be able to finish. So the plug is pulled and we drive back to Sydney and i feel like an idiot that has just wasted everybody's time this mornig

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos