Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Another session


The UPR team hooked me up with another Tommy Hilfiger session in Antwerp, went to one a month or two back , and it was really good. But tonight, the absence of DJ Grazz was noted ( much better with him on the wheels of steel )


Tiyani is here as well, have not seen her for a while, I've seen her since I did a photo of her for Pulp magazine. But there is somethig about her, she's looking really good, looking very very pretty. Not that she never looks pretty, she just does more so than before. I couldn't put my finger on it as to why (btw, these are not pro photos of her, just my phonecam in a dark nightclub) Emmanuel tells me that it's the fact thatshe's wearing red lipstick, hmm, maybe


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