Cane toads

2006/07/31 | Production


Cane toads were introduced into north Queensland inot to the sugar cane fields to combat insects that were destroying the sugar cane crop, problem is , those canes became a pest themselves. They adepted really well to the Queensland climate and took over from all the other critters. I just spotted a squashed one on the road, look at Brittany’s face


There it is in front of Ashley’s feet, they get pretty big. Never come across a live one, and apparently they squirt out some sort of excretion that gets very irritant to the skin

Cane toads were introduced into north Queensland inot to the sugar cane fields to combat insects that were destroying the sugar cane crop, problem is , those canes became a pest themselves. They adepted really well to the Queensland climate and took over from all the other critters. I just spotted a squashed one on […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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