Surf’s up

2006/05/25 | Uncategorised


There’s actually a little surfable wave today, shame I have no board, had a great bodysurf/bash instead, ust sat on this little sandbank and bodysurfed all these little sucky tubing hollow sandpits, was fun, and got talkingto one of the surfers out there, turns out there is a thriving little surf community in Dubai complete with website with lots of usefull info , like the pic below


And just where the red is hitting the coast is where Dubai is, well maybe a little further norh

There’s actually a little surfable wave today, shame I have no board, had a great bodysurf/bash instead, ust sat on this little sandbank and bodysurfed all these little sucky tubing hollow sandpits, was fun, and got talkingto one of the surfers out there, turns out there is a thriving little surf community in Dubai complete […]

Sonny Vandevelde