Last 2min.airborne

2005/12/02 | Uncategorised


Sydney slowly coming into view, just bank a slow left turn now towards botany bay, we’re just of the coast of the national park south of sydney

Pb300067 That’s the edge of the national park on the left and Cronulla coming into view at the top right, and the little bit of whitewash you see in front of it is the infamous surfing spot called shark island, mega right hand barrels !!

Pb300068 plane did it’s left turn now, so looking south along the east coast down to Wollongong, then more south west in the second, as well all know the sun sets in the west


Sydney slowly coming into view, just bank a slow left turn now towards botany bay, we’re just of the coast of the national park south of sydney That’s the edge of the national park on the left and Cronulla coming into view at the top right, and the little bit of whitewash you see in […]

Sonny Vandevelde