Les Harem girls d’O

2005/07/08 | Uncategorized


The girls wait on the steps in the swish Conrad hotel


to be joined by more girls

Well first show just went well, it is a party for the people involved with the cannon ball run through Europe. The girls were a bit apprehensive about taking off their jeans during the show ( which they would normally do) as the crowd was mainly drunk english men, and they treated a bit more like a strip show as opposed to a fashion show, and the girls did not appreciate some of the suggestive remarks coming from the crowd. But in the end it turned out ok, as more females , girlfriends and wives turned up, it became respectable again. Aaah, boys will be boys won’t they girls.

The girls wait on the steps in the swish Conrad hotel to be joined by more girls Well first show just went well, it is a party for the people involved with the cannon ball run through Europe. The girls were a bit apprehensive about taking off their jeans during the show ( which they […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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