Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Cala Rossa, Favignana, Italy

Such a great idea getting around on a scooter, quick to check out Cala Rossa, as in the summer period cars can't get close to it

Scooter takes you right to where you want to go The Italian love affair with the beach continues ( except I don't see no beach ) not as busy today, bit more overcast wear and tear, they still have some big storms roll through here with big waves, so all that salt spray .... at Cala Rossa, before it became a popular destination for swimming, there was also the stone cutting going on parasol giving us some unique shapes and columns beach life for this guy scooter into the sunset off to dinner coming to check out Cala Rossa again such a great spot look at those colours just screams, come for a swim the clarity

© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos