Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Wairakei Terraces Thermal Baths

On our way back to Taupo we just had to stop and try the healing powers of the thermal baths

After all that walking, we head back to Taupo  and just outside Taupo are the Wairakei Thermal terraces bit of a visual feast as well again, so much boiling, gushing water and steam everywhere silica building up on the terraces as opposed to some geysers, this one just keeps on bubbling, well it's not really a geyser, just continuously bubbling up hot water  this is the main pool with water gushing up in the center and a strong scent of sulphur then a bit further down, they trickle the water down into these pools a balmy 40 degrees and the minerals in the water are meant to have a healing effect especially from all that walking. Jacqui getting some go pro shots How's the colour of the water

© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos