Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Wim & Hilda's Garden

On my way to Paris for the Couture Shows, I stop off for a quick lunch in the summer garden

CTR_6189SonnyphotosAnd look at this beautiful specimen, looks like an Artichoke ( was sold to them as an Artichoke ) but it is not. It is in the family though CTR_6188SonnyphotosThe leaves are a meter long CTR_6187Sonnyphotosso graphic CTR_6191Sonnyphotoslunch in the garden, what a nice spot CTR_6192Sonnyphotos CTR_6193Sonnyphotosunder the peach tree CTR_6195Sonnyphotos CTR_6197Sonnyphotoshave some black berries CTR_6202Sonnyphotosjust pluck CTR_6203Sonnyphotos CTR_6207Sonnyphotosairing out the studio CTR_6205Sonnyphotostoo warm to work in there CTR_6213Sonnyphotosaaah, how could I forget CTR_6209Sonnyphotosthe cherry tree, so I picked myself a small bucket of cherries for the car ride to Paris CTR_6210Sonnyphotosyum CTR_6211Sonnyphotossweet CTR_6215Sonnyphotosnext stop, Versace :-)  

© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos