Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Perth hills bushfires

_IZO1862Sonnyphotos After our visit to Headus head office, Diane et all head back to Perth in preparation for tonights screening, while Jacqui and I take a quick look at some of the devastation caused by bush-fires in the hills around Perth not so long ago _IZO1864Sonnyphotos And already life is coming back to these blackened charred trees _IZO1866Sonnyphotos
_IZO1867Sonnyphotos slowly all coming back to life, ground cover turning green _IZO1869Sonnyphotos all the black boys have a crop of new leaves _IZO1870Sonnyphotos And just about all the trees have new shoots coming out at irregular places _IZO1872Sonnyphotos guessing this must be a red gum _IZO1875Sonnyphotos beautiful flaming red leaves

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos