Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


S!X showroom at VONHAUS

_SYD1896S!XSonnyPhotos Peter Boyd & Denise Sprynskyj are the duo that make up S!X _SYD1899S!XSonnyPhotos And I'm loving their flag series _SYD1900S!XSonnyPhotos love love love _SYD1918S!XSonnyPhotos want to shoot these _SYD1903S!XSonnyPhotos
:-) _SYD1904S!XSonnyPhotos John ( Alexei Sayle , didn't you kill my brother ) , Grey Aviary, models some of the jackets _44227536_youngones9_bbcpicgall notice the resemblance ( hehehe, sorry John, couldn't resist) _SYD1911S!XSonnyPhotos _SYD1916S!XSonnyPhotos another piece I would like to shoot editorially _SYD1920S!XSonnyPhotos _SYD1922S!XSonnyPhotos
_SYD1925S!XSonnyPhotos can you see me in this jacket ? I can, walking the streets of Anvers
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