Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Aaahhhhh, snow . . . so peacefull

IMG_5698SonnyPhotos The awesome view that greeted me this morning outside my window. I'm such a sucker for snow. Love it, covers all the dirt , and muffles out all the tiny little noises, so the landscape is quite, pretty serene.And then that crunch crunch under your feet as you walk through it,love itIMG_5701SonnyPhotos
So pretty, hahah, reminds of the shoot I did with Suvi for Cosmopolitan Denmark, we had 4 days of snow storm to produce 14 pages of blue sky ski-ing , hehe, check it out funny. Paul did it tough that dayIMG_5709SonnyPhotos A lot of snow fell last nightIMG_5715SonnyPhotos really sticking on the all the branches ( probably all fall off during the day though )IMG_5720SonnyPhotos I'm keeping the birds fedIMG_5721SonnyPhotos :-)IMG_5722SonnyPhotos off to do some grocery shoppingIMG_5730SonnyPhotos IMG_5732SonnyPhotos Pretty, still, not as scenic as this
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