Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Oyster Magazine

Meeting up with Jonathan Morris today, it's a nostalgia week, as again, I'm about to type, that I've known Jonathan for a long time, back in the days of Stiletto Magazine, even before Stiletto went glossy ( and then it went glossy and then it became Oyster ) Anyway, we are meeting up to talk about a re design for Oyster and the future of Oyster, as you can imagine, it is getting tough for magazines out there, but I personally feel it is the time for independent magazines to shine, as opposed to the monthly fodder from the big publishing companies. But as you can see, Jonathan is pretty busy, getting calls from the printers to approve the final proofs for exampleIMG_4487
Just had to share you this no smoking sign with you on the way back up to the office
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