Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


RA after party at ScheldApen

Anna, in that great outfit , and her sister ( thanks for a great party btw Anna )IMG_5638
P &  BIMG_5639
party peeeeeople IMG_5640
not only did Andrea set up a love tent in the backyard of the party venue, but there is also this amazing tree house in thebackyard ( oh, and Andrea did not have much luck with his love tent )IMG_5647
Andrea, trying to get people to come check out his love tent ?IMG_5652
Mic Eaton, aka material boyIMG_5653
Fellow Vandevelde, Karolyn.
I'm sure lots more fun things happend at the party, but I have to be at the airport in 3 hours, so me go home now, bye bye
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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos