Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

The beach at Kenny's place

After yummy dinner last night , thanks KV & KV, Jac's and I stayed at their's place for the night, so in the morning I wanted to check out the beach, which is pretty much in his backyardIMG_3146
I don't have any high expectations though of there being any good surf banksIMG_3147 well, it's super flat anyway, pretty, but flat and does not look like it is holding any good banksIMG_3148
nice for a run up to pelicans and backIMG_3149 looks like they are having erosion, rising sea level problems here as wellIMG_3150 all up and down the beach like this, that's a lot of sand gone into the oceanIMG_3153
Kenny & JacIMG_3154

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