Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Yes. . . waves

Amazingly , next day, the surf has picked up big time,brand new swell, with a good 5 foot swell running off the point, nice, except we drive back to Sydney today, so quick surf before we do. Jac's snapped me running back up to the point after having caught a wave all the way down the beach_AUS1151
I'm super stoked , because 1. there are waves, 2. there's a lot of dolphins out there. 3. it's a nice day, the water is warm 4. and there's only 3-4 of us surfing the point ( I counted 80 once on a busy day )_AUS1156
Me, waiting for a lull to jump of the rock_AUS1160 Still a few dolphins out there_AUS1161
So the thing is to wait for a little lull in between the set waves and then paddle like crazy , so you don't get caught and pushed back onto the rocks_AUS1164
Me, Dolphin and 2 other surfers, blissPB120112
and this is what it looks like form the waterPB120113
Nice sized waves rolling in, again, only me and 2 other guys to worry about, so plenty of opportunities to get a good wave ( excuse the water drop )PB120114 PB120117
Now, see-ing this pop out of the water could really scare you, as that looks very similar to . . . something you don't want to come across in the waterPB120118 I was trying to get a shot of the shark dolphin swimming so close to the surferPB120119
The shot above_AUS1170 well, you can see me taking the shot here, shot by Jacqui _AUS1172
cool, Jac's has captured me on a wave_AUS1174
bottom turning_AUS1175 _AUS1178
Surfing the wave down the beach againPB120120
Then to run back up the beach again, jump of the rock, to get back out there again. And all of it captured by Jacqui, the best GF in the world for martyring herself by sitting on a hot rock in the sun , draggin her kids up there, so she can get some shots of me surfing. But she got a nice shot of the girls up there as well_AUS1181

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