Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Random Paris shots

Next season, this is how I like to be kept updated on the access situation, sometimes, for me, it is more about calling the editors to find who they spoke to , to authorize my access, whereas here, another photographer shows me how his editors have got it done. Much better, and saves me making all these phone calls, only to leave messages anyway011020081060
Random petrol station shot, on our way out of Paris for the Sonia Rykiel show021020081065
This is how it is , models not dressed yet, lot of people milling around amongst people actually trying to get things done021020081063 and it is 14H25 , and no line up , as they are not even dressed yet, what time is the next show ? 15H00 ! So you see how it becomes impossible to cover every show on the schedule021020081066
Loading up Sean C.'s car to race to the next show031020081067 Sonny. Sonny Groo, with the beard in pic, is a stylist from Amsterdam, now if only we had the same name.031020081068
Photographers pit at the Chanel show. This is what the model would see, when they get to the front of the runway, pretty much the whole world taking a photo of you031020081069
and this , the view from the pit before the show starts, so still a lot of people getitng to there allocated seating. And how's the replica of Rue Cambon inside the Palais041020081070
Lazarro ( Sean's Assistant ) and Anna Bauer ( doing a great series of portrait shots for the national portrait gallery ) racing across the Concorde to Sean's illegally parked car, to then race of to the next show again. Thanks by the way Sean, for all the rides in between shows041020081071
Jason Lloyd Evans, backstage photographer, along for the ride to the next, he looks like he's thinking something far away from the shows041020081072
Quick tourist snap as we drive past051020081073
The room at Lanvin, pre-show051020081074
Just like us photographers, these two do the circuit around the world as well, on the left we have one of the great hairdresser and on the right, Aussie boy Cannon, who calls the shows backstage and keeps all the models in line

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