Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Ai Ai ai Alitalia

Flying to Milan from Paris, and as you may or may not know, nobody seems to know if Alitalia will still be around at the end of the week. At Paris airport the airfrance groundcrew were joking with me that I might not have a plane when I fly back, yeah very f#@king funny. And then miraculously my scheduled Alitalia plane turned into am airfrance plane

Somewhere near the beginning of the alps

And look , there is already snow on the peaks

Ski season won't be far off


And first thing you notice as you go down to Milan is the smog

It really is smoggy here, have not been to L.A. for a few years, but it really looks worse than L.A.

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos