Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Surf and sweat

So where has Sonny been these last few days. Well...believe it or not, but I've been surfing. There was this cyclone called Gonu that was threathning the east coast of Oman and made a land call at Muscat ( pretty much flooded the place ) and then headed out to sea again , direction Iran, which meant the east coast of UAE would cop some waves, so I rented a board, drove through the dessert and then through the mountains to arrive on the east coast and, to my surprise, a solid 8 foot swell. And a bit of chaos from the local authorities as they never seen anything like it. Cut a long story short , the next day I went surfing with some other guys ( we hooked up via a website in Dubai called but both the police and the army tried to stop us, telling us it was dangerous , and that there was a typhoon coming, I had to explain it had already passed us and was on it's way to Iran - to which came the reply "but maybe there is another one coming, not safe for you " So this is now a bit later in the day, and it is dropping of fast, but we're still having fun, can't wait to get to the western world , so I can post some photos
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