Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

Current Affairs

The 14 Defining characteristics of Fascism

Mike Malloy lays out his findings on the defining charateristics of fascism , well , it's nearly like a David Letteman top ten, except it's 14 and worth a quick look . But then I decided to have a closer look at the site where this flash animation came from, wow, I like it a very anti Bush site, so if , like me, you don't feel comfortable with the current US policies, and feel you are not getting anything from your news outlets, then start here at , there is a great video to watch as well from an american commentator called Olbermann, he lets it rip against Bush,finally a voice of sanity ( scroll down and look for the YouTube videos of Olbermann ) and then , this, a classic in response to the Clinton interview on FOX , which I posted a few days back, this is Olbermann's response, a gem

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