Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Puttin up the tents


I put mine up ( gawd, do I look stupid in these sunglasses, friggen blowfly look)


But Bart, model, and Sarah are struggling with their little tent, and just stabbed Ingrid in the gut as she came to try and help, too funny


So that's our set up for the day, looks a lot brighter when the sun is out, and that's our problem for the day, big heavy fluffy clouds block the sun every 10min for a good 10 min, so a lot of waiting around for the sun to come out again


So time for lunch, now here is a good example to show why a lot of Belgiums are so unhealthy, I mean , look at this sandwich, this is what they call a salad sandwich with ham, you can count the pieces of lettuce on one hand, I see no carrots, no cucumber, no onion, no beetroot, I mean , you'd think there was a national shortage on lettuce. Come on you belgium people, demand more vegies/salad and get healthy

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